Our Mission

Providence Academy partners with parents to equip students to develop spiritual maturity and achieve academic excellence through a biblically-based, Christ-centered, classical education, so they will think and live in a manner which brings glory to God

Ready to take a step?

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  • Is Providence Academy right for our family?

    If you are searching for a community to partner with your family in training your child through discipleship, academics, fine arts, and athletics

    • to develop wisdom and virtue,
    • to pursue the True, Good, and Beautiful,
    • to love and know Christ, His Word, and others, 
    • to live out the Gospel 

    then come see what’s happening here at Providence Academy!  Ready to take the next step?  Click the link below.  We look forward to meeting you and walking alongside you as you discern God’s best for your family. 

  • Can we afford Providence Academy?

    An education at Providence Academy is significantly less than the national average for K-12 private schools. Nearly 25% of our student body receives 10-50% financial assistance through our need-based scholarship to attend PA each year. Families apply through FACTS, which protects family privacy. Contact Jenny McCormack at jmccormack@providenceacademy.com for more information and view the FA Timeline here.

  • Can our student be involved in athletics & fine arts?


    Yes! As a classical, Christian school, we believe that a robust education includes training the mind, soul, and body. Athletics provide one more way to instill wisdom and virtue through mentorship, discipline, and teamwork while also teaching students to be good stewards of their bodies. At Providence Academy, we offer a variety of competitive sports for both elementary and secondary students. Please visit our Athletics Page.

    Fine Arts:

    Yes! As a classical Christian school, we believe music, art, and drama instill a proper love for the true, good, and beautiful through engaging students’ imaginations. Not only do we seek to cultivate wonder and appreciation, but we hope that by learning from and imitating great artists our students will create beautiful works that reflect our Creator God.

    Please visit our Fine Arts Page.

  • What are your academic statistics?

    With an average GPA of 3.6, average ACT score of 27, and graduates going on to attend colleges and universities like Vanderbilt, Harvard, Yale, West Point, UT, ETSU, the U.S. Naval Academy, and more, we are very proud of our student body and faculty.

  • What makes PA unique?

    As a classical, Christian school, Providence Academy is about more than training a child to find a successful job, or even shaping the ideal young man or woman…

    At Providence Academy 

    • Families are more than spectators of their children’s education. They are active participants guiding their children along the way.
    • Students are more than statistics or brains to fill. They are dearly loved image-bearers.
    • Academic excellence is more than test scores, GPAs, acceptance to some of the best colleges and universities, or preparation for a dream career. It is the pursuit of wisdom and eloquence for a life of learning and leadership.
    • Athletics and Fine Arts are more than showcasing talent and public recognition. They are opportunities to develop virtue and celebrate goodness and beauty.
    • Discipleship isn’t simply Bible credits or training students to do good works or give easy answers. It is an intentional, relationship-driven practice founded on the Word of God and Person of Christ.
  • We are interested... Now what?

    Schedule a tour of the school by clicking here or

    contact Jenny McCormack at jmccormack@providenceacademy.com for more information.

It's more than just a great education.

It’s about exploring and exemplifying the Gospel through our daily lives. It’s about pursuing community. It’s about discipleship that reinforces what is taught in the home and church through practical relationships between teachers and students and even older and younger students. It’s more than engaging the mind. It’s about addressing the heart and cultivating the soul.

In partnership with parents.

At Providence Academy, we support families. When we say we partner with families, we are saying we want you to be involved in your child’s education! 

Here are some opportunities:

Participating in P2

Volunteering in the classroom and with fundraising

Attending weekly chapels and special family events

Looking for more?

You can find a wealth of topics & information on the Providence Academy podcast.

Have more questions?

Contact Us

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