Board of Directors

Matt Jones (chairman)

Matt and his wife, Lydia, who both grew up in east Tennessee, have sons in 2nd grade and a daughter who graduated from PA in 2022. Both he and his wife are passionate about providing an education grounded in Christian principles. Matt has served on the board for five years and is currently the Board Chairman. Lydia has served with P2 for many years. We are thankful to have the Joneses as a part of the family here at Providence Academy. 

Wayne Turbyfield

Wayne and his wife, Sarah, have been journeying alongside Providence staff and families for 15 years. Wayne has served on the board for 6 years and is the Chair of the Finance Committee. They have three children - two graduates and a sophmore- who have each attended Providence since kindergarten. What a special legacy the Turbyfields have to offer regarding the life and cuture of Providence Acadmey after their faithful involvement and support of a classical and Christian education!

Mark Hecht

Mark and his wife, Bonnie, have five children. The family began their journey at Providence Academy in 1998. Bonnie, who is forever family here at Providence, served in multiple administrative roles for 19 years and remains active in volunteer work at the school. The Hechts' second oldest son graduated in the first graduating class of the school in 2003. Their oldest daughter graduated in 2005 with the two youngest children graduating in the classes of 2011 and 2013.  We are grateful to the Hechts for their faithful investment in the school for over twenty-five years

BJ Smith 

BJ and his wife, Christy, have deep roots at Providence Academy. They have five children, some PA graudates and 2 currently at PA. BJ has served on the board for six years. BJ and his wife offer a unique and beautiful perspective of what life and community is like here at Providence Academy, and we are so grateul for their commitment to the mission of the school!

Josh Hicks

Josh and his wife, Jessica, have been part of the PA family since 2019. They have two children at PA. This is his third year serving on the Board. He is passionate about Christian education and excited to help cultivate an environment where students can find their identity in Christ. 

Rex Garrison

Rex and his wife, Jennifer, have been a part of the Providence family for several years. Rex has served on the board for the last six years, including being Board Chair for three years. Their oldest daughter is a class of 2019 Alumna and their youngest daughter is a class of 2024 Alumna. Their oldest daughter is now married and is an electrical engineer in Huntsville, Alabama. Their youngest is a freshman at Tennessee Tech University studying computer science, cybersecurity. Having two children go through Providence Academy, they have seen the impact that the Providence community has had on their girls. They are grateful for the teachers and the administration for their love and support for the students at Providence Academy through their Christ-centeredness. Rex and his wife, Jennifer, have been a part of the Providence family for several years. Rex has served on the board for the last six years, including being Board Chair for three years. Their oldest daughter is a class of 2019 Alumna and their youngest daughter is a class of 2024 Alumna. Their oldest daughter is now married and is an electrical engineer in Huntsville, Alabama. Their youngest is a freshman at Tennessee Tech University studying computer science, cybersecurity. Having two children go through Providence Academy, they have seen the impact that the Providence community has had on their girls. They are grateful for the teachers and the administration for their love and support for the students at Providence Academy through their Christ-centeredness.

Joshua Puhr

Joshua and his wife, Dianna, have five children at Providence. They have been part of the Providence family for 12 years. Josh is currently serving a 3rd (four year term) on the board and previously served as secretary and vice president of the board. Josh has served in various physician leadership roles regionally within emergency services and remains active in the US Army Reserves IMA component. We are grateful for Josh and Dianna's support, engagement, and commitment to the PA community.

Earle Chute

Earle and his wife, Cara, have three children who all graduated from Providence Academy. Earle is a founding board member here at the school, and he has been on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ since 1973 while serving in many roles here at the school. We are grateful to Earle and his family for their continual service to the school and its mission to partner with families to the glory of God.

Alisa Van Cott

Mrs. Von Cott is an attorney at AESC who holds a J.D. Degree from New York University School of Law, a Certificate in Advanced International Studies from Johns Hopkins University SAIS, and an A.B. in Asian and African Languages and Literature (Concentration: Mandarin Chinese; Minor: Psychology) from Duke University. She is excited to use her experience and skills to serve the PA community because she feels the school has provided her children with an invaluable educational and spiritual formation. Mrs. Van Cott and her husband, Steve, have three children at PA one in elementary school and two in middle school. 
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