Safety Initiative

As you contemplate year-end giving, please consider a gift to help Providence Academy implement the Safety Initiative. With your help, we will continue to improve the safety of our campus. 

Security Improvements Needed

  • 10’x15’ Guard Station…………………………………………………..……....….. $150,000
  • Lift arm access control……………………………………………………….……... $25,000
  • License plate recognition software/hardware…………………………………….... $35,000
  • Ameristar Montage Fence ………………………………………………….……... $860,000
  • Black vinyl-coated chain link fence ………………………………………….…… $215,000

The Safety Initiative Goal

  • Goal: Raise $210,000 for a guard station to be implemented at the entrance to the Providence campus. 
  • Detail: We are fortunate to have a campus with access limited to one driveway entrance. By adding a guard station at this entry point, we will be adding an extra layer of security. We currently have two Harrell Group security team members patrolling our campus. Upon implementation of this extra layer of security, we will add a third Harrell Group team member to manage the entrance of the school. Along with the guard station, we also plan on implementing a barrier arm that can control traffic and software that provides license plate recognition.


The Safety Initiative Stretch Opportunity:

Funds received above the guard station goal will be used to implement whatever portion of the fencing funds allow.

  • Goal: Begin funding a barrier fence that would enclose the campus.
  • Detail: The barrier fence will consist of two types of fencing. In the areas that are out of sight (in the woods), we look forward to installing an 8 ft. black vinyl-coated chain link fence with razor wire. The rest of the campus will be surrounded by an 8 ft. tall ornamental metal fence with brick columns, similar to the fence around the playground.


  • Black vinyl-coated chain link fence……………………………………… $215,000
  • Ameristar Montage Fence………………………………………………... $860,000


Implementation Plan: Assuming we meet our goal for the guard station, we will install the station during the summer of 2024. Any funds received above the goal for the guard station will be used to implement whatever portion of the fencing funds allow

Questions about giving stocks and bonds?

Donating Publicly Traded Securities to Providence Academy


To donate stock to Providence Academy, you will need to contact your broker and fill out your broker’s Letter of Authorization.


The form should be submitted to the National Christian Foundation at, Fax # 888.672.7302.


The donation should be made to The Providence Academy Fund, # 836825.

You will also need the following information:


DTC Clearing 0226,

National Financial Services, LLC

For the account of National Christian Charitable Foundation Inc.

Account Number 479-048720


All contributions are irrevocable and are in most cases eligible for a tax deduction.


Contact Info:

National Christian Foundation East Tennessee Office:

(855) 523 5610


Providence Academy

Mark Koscak, Development Director

(423) 773-1742 or (423) 854-9819

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