Core Values


  • We commit to instilling wisdom and virtue through the cultivation of the affections for truth, beauty, and goodness.
  • We commit to equipping children to be free people and live in the freedom of Christ.
  • We are guided by the great, classical works, languages, and disciplines found in the Western Tradition.
  • We employ distinct teaching methods as they exist in the grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages.
  • We affirm rigor (extended focus and depth) and stir wonder with the aim of developing a love of learning.
  • We are not a reform school for behavior or academics.


  •  We require, upon admission, custodial parents to provide the following:
  • a profession of faith,
  • evidence of involvement in a local church, and
  • a pastoral/elder reference from current/past church.
  • We require custodial parents to believe the statement of faith and affirm the core values and secondary doctrinal statements (sign off on annually).
  • We require board members and the head of school to believe the statement of faith, core values, and secondary doctrinal statements as evidenced by application, interview, and lifestyle.
  • We require faculty and staff to believe the statement of faith and affirm the core values and secondary doctrinal statements as evidenced by application, interview, and lifestyle.

In Loco Parentis

  • While holding the authority of the parent, we commit to love the child as Christ loves them.
  • We recognize that the ultimate responsibility to educate a child remains with the parent.


  • We believe God’s Word is inerrant, infallible, and authoritative regarding truth in all things.
  • We believe knowing Christ more deeply and becoming more Christ-like is the ultimate goal of education.
  • We believe serving Christ and seeing Him glorified compels us to do all things with excellence and to the best of our abilities.
  • We follow the example of Christ by communicating the gospel through love and relationships.
  • We believe prayer is central to the life and health of the school.

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