Family Requirements

   Admissions requirements for parents

A.  As a discipleship school, Providence Academy requires that both parents have accepted Christ as their Savior. 

B.  Parents of students at Providence Academy should have a clear understanding of the biblical philosophy and purpose of the school.  This understanding includes a willingness to have their child exposed to the clear teaching of the school's Statement of Faith in various and frequent ways within the school's program.

C.  The parents should be willing to cooperate with all of the written policies of Providence Academy.

D.  Parents of elementary children must accompany their children during any requested classroom visitations/observations throughout the admissions process.

PA reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or discontinue enrollment of a student if the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home or the activities of the student are counter to or are in opposition to the Biblical moral principles the school teaches. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, participating in, supporting, or affirming sexual immorality, homosexual activity, or bisexual activity; promoting such practices, or being unable to support the moral principles of the school.  

(I Cor. 6:18; I Thess. 4:3-5; Gal. 5:19; Romans 1:18-27)   
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