Providence Academy Announces:

 37,000 Sq. Ft. Educational Wing

$8.5MM capital campaign 

Give to the Campaign

For additional information, contact Mark Koscak,

Director of Development.


The Story

  • What will the new wing include?

    The new wing will include an additional 21 classrooms and a second gymnasium.

  • Why does PA need to build an addition?

    After 28 years of offering a Christ-centered education with academic excellence, the Lord is moving in a new and exciting manner. All across the land, the Lord’s grace is overflowing as He turns the hearts of parents toward their children. We are seeing a once in a century shift in the educational landscape in a way that favors a God-honoring education. The Lord is sending more children than we can currently handle. In our current capacity we cannot handle the overflow. With this overflow in mind the Providence Academy Board desires to address the need, and thereby have a greater footprint in the East Tennessee culture.

  • How big will the new addition be?

    The new educational wing will be 37,648 sq. ft. 

  • How will this impact my child's class/grade?

    The new wing will allow us to add a third class for each grade. By doing so, we will be able to keep class ratios small while still allowing more families the opportunity to receive a Christ-centered education. We will also be able to continue to increase our rich variety of extra-curricular activities.

  • Will the building project impact the school calendar?

    We are not planning to make any changes to the academic calendar at this time. Any disruptions to the regularly planned schedule would be communicated immediately to families.

  • How many more students will be PA be able to accept?

    This year we have seen the enrollment trend continue to escalate at a faster pace, and we have filled our school to capacity with 650 students with many more students still on the waitlist including current families. With the new addition, we will be able to accept over 100 new students. Spots will still be limited in some grades, so families should submit applications as early as possible. 

  • Will PA continue to be a Christ-centered, discipleship model school?

    Absolutely! We are excited about this new educational wing and the opportunity to serve the needs of more families in our community.  At Providence Academy we serve Christian parents. Our job is to come along-side them in a way that gives the child an opportunity to flourish, knowing that the parents are in the driver’s seat.

  • Will PA still raise money for the needs-based assistance program?

    At Providence Academy, we are excited to provide a classical and Christian education to the children of families across a broad range of income levels.  Last year we raised $453,000 to help families that were unable to afford tuition for a Christ-centered and classical education, and this year our goal is to raise $483,000 for needs-based tuition assistance program. The number of families that receive need-based scholarship fluctuates from year to year, but typically ranges between 20 and 25% of our enrollment.

The Plan

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